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Algorithm Design Exercise
In Place Array Segments Swap 1


In a given array of integers, there are two arbitrary segments. We want to exchange their positions, such that regard each segment itself only, the elements' relative positions are not changed. The the order of the segments are changed. We can give two examples to illustrate the requirement. We also want the array operation to be in-place, namely we don't try to allocate more resource so we can keep the program low memory profile.

Algorithm Design Exercise
In Place Array Segments Swap 2


When the two segments' sizes are equal, it is a trivia case.

Algorithm Design Exercise
In Place Array Segments Swap 3


While dealing with the segments without equal length, we can formalize the algorithm as the following. We also restrain our design by not using recursion, since recursion will also increase memory profile. It may also be easy to debug in while loop than recursion when we have many parameters to pass among recursion stack.

Algorithm Design Exercise
In Place Array Segments Swap 4


This method may be used for memory manipulation in a very stressed situation. We also use it for the design of an in-place merge sort implementation. We attach the implementation and test cases.