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Course project of COMP 6761, Concordia. 4X4 matrix transformation, OO programming, and OpenGL make possible a big fleet. The research concerns more about 3d-transformation of multi-rigid-body.

This project is now transferred as the project Battleship. The research concern continues on 3d-transformation of multi-rigid-body. At the same time, much is experimented on the feasibility as a potential market-able product. A by-product of the research, a current resource sink will be released in the coming months.

1. Design the gunning system


The ship will wheel right and left, the yaw operations. The turret will rotate about itself. The barrels will rotate horizontally about the turret right vector. The most challenging part of this project is to calculate the shell, which we are shooting, the vector and coordinate when it just leaves the barrel. Shown as the dot line of a projectile shell trajectory.

2. Two ships aiming each other



3. A bigger animation
